Sunday, July 30, 2017
Sunday, July 23, 2017
15 Must-Read Business Books on Leadership and Personal Development in the Last 5 Years
Science and positive psychology point the way to the future of leadership.

PHOTO CREDIT: Getty Images
Science and positive psychology point the way to the future of leadership.
PHOTO CREDIT: Getty Images
The problem with producing any "top" business book list is the elimination process. Over the last five years, there have been numerous publications by top authors worthy of mention.
For this list, I have focused heavily on science-backed leadership books that teach us where the future of motivation (self and team), productivity, employee engagement, and positive work culture is headed.
Grit by Angela Duckworth
Pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth shows anyone striving to succeed--be it parents, students, educators, athletes, or business people--that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent but a special blend of passion and persistence she calls "grit." Malcolm Gladwell, author of The Tipping Point,says "Grit is a persuasive and fascinating response to the cult of IQ fundamentalism. Duckworth reminds us that it is character and perseverance that set the successful apart."
Superbosses: How Exceptional Leaders Master the Flow of Talent by Sydney Finkelstein
No matter the industry, the most extraordinary leaders have an uncanny ability to inspire people. Through more than 200 interviews, Finkelstein identifies how these "superbosses" do it. Reid Hoffman, Co-founder and Chairman of LinkedIn, says, "Superbosses shows the incredible impact that great managers can have, both on their employees and on entire industries. Syd has written a true leadership guide for the Networked Age."
How to Have a Good Day by Caroline Webb
A former McKinsey consultant, Webb offers evidence-based ways to balance work and life. Daniel Pink, author of To Sell is Human and Drive, calls it "a smart, thorough, and eminently practical book." He adds, "Just about every page offers a science-based tip to help you become better off -- or, in many cases, just plain better."
Conscious Capitalism by John Mackey and Rajendra Sisodia
Re-released in 2014, Mackey and Sisodia, leaders of the Conscious Capitalism organization, describe the movement in the context of Mackey's reflections as cofounder of Whole Foods Market. Bill George, bestselling author of True North, says "This is the book I always wanted to write." How Amazon's recent buyout of the grocery chain is going to affect the movement's purpose, if at all, remains to be seen, but this is still a worthy book representing an important cause.
Everybody Matters: The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family by Bob Chapman and Raj Sisodia
An inside look at Barry-Wehmiller, known for its outstanding people policies and it's off-the-charts morale, Bob Chapman (CEO of Barry-Wehmiller) and Raj Sisodia use real-world examples to illustrate how the humanity so often absent in today's businesses and boardrooms is actually a direct path to sustained growth. Amy Cuddy, famed Harvard Business School professor and social psychologist praises the book: "To give people the power and freedom to care for each other, to trust that people want to do well and be good -- it doesn't get better than that."
Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges by Amy Cuddy
Cuddy logs in her own entry with this smashing 2015 New York Times bestseller. She advocates for the ideas on presence and power posing set forth in her wildly popular 2012 TED Talk, "Your Body Shapes Who You Are." Her findings will help you to call on your self-confidence at the times you need it most -- a first date, a job interview, and even those prickly conversations you hesitate to have with loved ones. Brene Brown, author of Daring Greatly, says "Cuddy shows us how bringing our boldest, most authentic selves to challenging situations inspires others to do the same. This book is a game-changer!"
What Works: Gender Equality by Design by Iris Bohnet
Presenting research-based solutions to address gender bias, Iris Bohnet demonstrates what more can be done, often at shockingly low cost and surprisingly high speed, to end gender inequality and move the needle in classrooms and boardrooms, in hiring and promotion, benefiting businesses, governments, and the lives of millions. Adam Grant, famed Wharton professor and author of Give and Take calls it, "Compelling, lucid, and filled with actionable insights."
Mastering Civility: A Manifesto for the Workplace by Christine Porath
In a world where divisive politics has undermined civil behavior in general, Porath's book combines scientific research with fascinating evidence from fields such as neuroscience, medicine, and psychology to provide managers and employers with a much-needed wake-up call. The world's top executive coach, Marshall Goldsmith, author of Triggers says, "This book offers the key to a healthier, happier, more productive workplace, better customer relationships, and higher profits."
Radical Candor by Kim Scott
A former Google and Apple executive, Scott is a CEO coach in Silicon Valley who believes, says Daniel Pink, that "workplaces are too nice -- really 'fake nice' -- and that we'd all be better off with unvarnished honesty, especially when it comes to evaluating performance." Sheryl Sandberg, author of the New York Times bestseller Lean In, says it will "help you build, lead, and inspire teams to do the best work of their lives.
Leadership Lessons from a UPS Driver: Delivering a Culture of We, Not Me by Ron Wallace
Ron Wallace was a UPS delivery driver for six years before he began rising through the ranks, ultimately becoming president of UPS International. Instead of writing a typical business memoir that celebrates the leader as celebrity, Wallace shares essential tips for growing the best team of inspired employees to make any business thrive.
Trust Factor: The Science of Creating High-Performance Companies by Paul J. Zak
Zak, the director of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies at Claremont Graduate University, opens a window on how brain chemicals affect behavior and why trust gets squashed. Packed with examples from The Container Store, Zappos, and Herman Miller, Trust Factor harnesses our neurochemistry to effectively cultivate work places where trust, joy, and commitment compound naturally. Skip Prichard, author of Leadership Insights, calls this book "fascinating."
Why Motivating People Doesn't Work...And What Does: The New Science of Leading, Energizing and Engaging by Susan Fowler
As a leadership coach and researcher, Fowler collected a significant amount of data to illustrate that traditional carrot-and-stick motivational techniques don't work. She reveals what actually does work based on her experience with Microsoft, NASA, Mattel and the Catholic Leadership Institute. Marshall Goldsmith praises this book: "Fowler shows how to guide employees toward seeing their jobs in a new way, as potential sources of personal fulfillment. Achieving company goals will become something they own, because now it really matters to them."
Are You Fully Charged?: The 3 Keys to Energizing Your Work and Life by Tom Rath
Drawing on his extensive research, Tom Rath's latest bestseller provides us with the three key pillars that can help create a life of more meaning and perspective: being part of something larger than ourselves, valuing people and experiences over mere stuff, and understanding that looking after our own well-being is the first step to doing more for others. Arianna Huffington, author of Thrive and co-founder of The Huffington Post says, "Are You Fully Charged? is about renewing ourselves in the fullest sense. An essential book for anyone wanting more out of life."
Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone by Mark Goulston M.D.
"Drawing on his experience as a psychiatrist, business consultant, and FBI hostage-negotiation trainer, Goulston provides brilliant yet doable techniques for getting through to others. Time Magazine says, "The author draws on hostage-negotiation techniques to instruct readers on how to deal with 'defiant executives, angry employees or self-destructing management teams."
The Best Place to Work: The Art and Science of Creating an Extraordinary Workplace by Ron Friedman, PhD
Award-winning psychologist Ron Friedman, Ph.D. uses the latest research from the fields of motivation, creativity, behavioral economics, neuroscience, and management to reveal what really makes us successful at work. Seth Godin, author of Lynchpin and The Icarus Deception, says "Ron Friedman helps us get back on track, exploring not only what work is for, but how we can leap forward and become more human, more alive and more effective."
Friday, July 21, 2017
90 Ways to Quickly Improve Your Business Leadership
President and CEO, Lead From Within
Let this be the year you become the leader you want to be--in your business, and in life

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Editor's note: "The First 90 Days" is a series about how to make 2016 a year of breakout growth for your business. Let us know how you're making the First 90 Days count by joining the conversation on social media with the hashtag #Inc90Days.
Over the next 90 days, you can build not only your business but also your personal leadership beyond what you may have thought possible.
Let this be the year you become the leader you want to be--in your business and in life.
1. Know yourself. The best leaders truly know themselves. Learn to recognize your strengths and work on your weaknesses.
2. Create a personal mission statement. As a leader is it important to have a personal sense of mission crafted into something you can reflect on daily and measure your performance against.
3. Lead your own way. Find out what your personal leadership strengths are so you can make the most of them.
4. Lead with conviction. Know your values--not just opinions, but the principles that guide your decision making every day--especially where matters of integrity are involved.
5. Set goals. Goal-setting is an important part of being a great leader. It's your job to always get from where you are to where you need to be, and it's your goals that are your roadmap for success.
6. Focus on the big picture. Set individual and team goals that are large in scale but realistic and measurable, and communicate your expectations in the context of the big picture.
7. Accept criticism. Get past defensiveness and always look for something useful and constructive in any criticism you receive.
8. Control stress. As the old ad used to say, never let them see you sweat. Your confidence in yourself will inspire others to have confidence in you.
9. Keep your focus. Remember what you're here to do. Don't let distractions and shiny objects distract you, or those around you.
10. Accept risk. The best leaders are great risk takers, because they are open for opportunity. Fear of failure causes many people to avoid taking chances, but when the risk is worth taking, leaders must be ready to take it.
11. Be determined. Surprisingly often, success is simply a matter of perseverance. Keep trying and trying again until you get there.
12. Keep multiple perspectives. Try to understand how things work from all angles; be aware of what's going on from the front lines to the executive level. This wide perspective, plus meticulous attention to detail, will allow you to recognize problems and opportunities that other miss.
13. Be honest. The best leaders are honest at all times. Honesty is a crucial trait to anyone who depends on the respect and trust of others.
14. Be authentic. Being true to yourself is the necessary first step in leading your team with consistency.
15. Believe in yourself. If you want others to believe in you, you must first believe in yourself.
16. Be a great communicator. Communication is a critical component of leadership. You need top communication skills for giving direction, providing encouragement, giving feedback, and listening.
17. Be ambitious. Ambition doesn't have to mean becoming cutthroat and aggressive. Use your ambition wisely to set and maintain high expectations for yourself and your team.
18. Embrace failure. To embrace failure means you're open to risk and willing to find lessons in mistakes.
19. Be confident. No matter how terrible you may feel and no matter how dire the circumstances, as a leader you have be sure to put on a brave face and let the world know that you're still going to succeed.
20. Reward effort. Don't reward only results; reward the people who work hard and show great effort. Leadership is the key to 99 percent of all successful effort.
21. Do the right thing. It's simple. If you are asked to do something illegal or unethical, or something that goes against your values, refuse.
22. Make relationships important. Fostering good relationships leads to mutual trust and respect in the workplace.
23. Be trustworthy. Trust is the foundation of success; it needs to be given so it can be returned.
24. Be accountable. As a leader it is your job to be accountable; you must be able to deliver on your promises and keep your word.
25. Be committed. A visible commitment to your work and your promises will increase the respect you receive and boost your team's productivity.
26. Get feedback. The most important feedback that you can get is from the people you are leading. It is a good idea to ask for feedback at least once a quarter.
27. Admit mistakes. When you're wrong, say so. When you mess up, apologize and do what you can to mitigate any damage.
28. Be available. If you work in an office, leave your door open. If you lead remotely, make sure people know you are available. Let people be able to approach you with ease.
29. Be forgiving. This one is hard, but the best leaders know that forgiveness is a tool they must master. It's how you let go and move on.
30. Encourage creativity. There will always be a time when you need someone to think differently. Foster creativity in your team for incredible results.
31. Delegate tasks. Become a master at the art of delegation. With a killer team and everyone working on something in their area of strength, you can make almost anything happen.
32. Don't settle. Look for the best solutions to your biggest problems, not just the first acceptable answer. Make sure innovation is part of the problem-solving process.
33. Appreciate others. The worst thing you can do is take people for granted. As a leader it is important to make people feel valued. Doing so helps you retain your best people and inspires those around you to work harder.
34. Be decisive. The worst thing you can do for your business is be a leader who cannot make decisions. Be decisive even when the situation is difficult.
35. Keep people growing. The best leaders are always thinking of how they can develop and grow their people--by giving them training, teaching them new skills, or just equipping them with what they need to go as far as they can go.
36. Boost your team's self-esteem. Go out of your way to boost the self-esteem of your people. When people believe in themselves, they can accomplish amazing things.
37. Share the credit. Nothing great was ever accomplished alone; it takes a group of talented people to make something truly wonderful happen.
38. Unlock potential. Give your team time and space to develop their talents and cultivate their creativity. Leadership is all about unlocking people's potential to become better.
39. Make learning indispensable. Leadership can't happen without learning, so build it into the daily routine for yourself and your team.
40. Be a mediator. Learn to be a mediator so you're prepared when someone becomes aggressive or hostile. Listen with understanding, and do your best to foster a positive solution.
41. Be consistent. Consistency shows your team that you are confident and steady.
42. Celebrate small wins. Most people wait to celebrate the big wins, but celebrating the day-to-day victories makes a huge difference.
43. Be positive. It's always easy to get discouraged, but the ability to maintain positivity is worth its weight in gold to you and your team.
44. Don't tolerate gossip. It's among the most toxic forces in the workplace. Take no part in it and discourage it in every way possible--primarily with good communication that makes it unnecessary.
45. Be humble. Let your success make the noise.
46. Encourage collaboration. Collaboration builds strong teams and generates great ideas from the interplay of multiple intelligences.
47. Be an active listener. Communication is vital. When you listen, you learn. Leaders need the ability to really listen in order to understand.
48. Become an advocate. Show your team you have their back. Understand their needs and be willing to put yourself out there on their behalf.
49. Honor everyone's time. Don't waste time with petty demands and endless meetings. Let everyone say what needs to be said and do what needs to be done as efficiently as possible.
50. Be a planner. Without a good plan, it's easy to put off important tasks and waste a lot of precious time.
51. Solve problems. The best leaders are problems solvers; they do this by managing conflict and helping people accept solutions and change.
52. Make time for questions. Always leave time for people to ask questions. Making time for questions shows that you are a leader who cares.
53. Genuinely care. The driving force of any successful organization is the people within it. Honor those people with caring.
54. Maintain good technical skills. Keep current on technology and social media platforms so you can push your organization to the next level.
55. Be organized. Your own level of organization sets an example and can greatly improve productivity.
56. Prioritize tasks. Know exactly what needs to get done when so everyone can be successful.
57. Keep a schedule. Find a way of tracking your daily responsibilities and follow it impeccably.
58. Set big-picture goals. When planning and setting goals, be sure to focus on both the long and the short term.
59. Think proactively. Be ready for change. Thinking proactively can help you stay a couple of steps ahead and avoid preventable problems.
60. Embrace diversity. It takes a team of diverse talent, thinking, and perspectives to create something innovative.
61. Be adaptable. As a leader you must be willing to be agile. Things are always changing, and you have to be able to go with the flow.
62. Trust your intuition. When you learn to trust yourself, it is much easier for others to trust you.
63. Be fair. It is part of your role as a leader to insist that everyone be treated fairly and equitably.
64. Be solution-driven. Of course you will face obstacles, so it's important to be mentally prepared with a perspective that keeps you focused on finding solutions instead of deflecting blame.
65. Challenge assumptions. Especially in a world where change is paced quickly, willingness to challenge the status quo will keep you ahead of your competition.
66. Embrace change. Change is the only constant, it's been said, and good leadership requires anticipating and accommodating change of all kinds
67. Practice persuasion. When you can convince others to believe in your cause, their belief will spur them to work hard and be creative.
68. Be a coach. Lead, guide, and educate your team members to produce maximum results.
69. Be a mentor. The best leaders are the best mentors. They guide others through the territory they have come through before.
70. Be a supporter. Help your team members obtain whatever they need for success and growth.
71. Find a coach. Leadership is about helping others, but finding your own coach will help you stay on top of professional and personal development
72. Be flexible. A strong leader doesn't always want or need to be right. Be open to the opinions of others.
73. Be a negotiator. Finding solutions that are fair and beneficial to all parties will mark you as a great leader.
74. Be resourceful. When you don't have an answer you need, rely on your resourcefulness to find one. Let others see how you respond so they know they don't have to pretend to know everything.
75. Always be a student. To stay on top of your game, always be learning something new.
76. Develop new skills. Keep your skills current so you can put in a peak performance as a leader.
77. Be passionate. Keep your purpose front and center, and your passion will be contagious throughout your team.
78. Celebrate achievements. Be quick to praise. Celebrating achievements boosts morale and motivates others to give their best.
79. Dress the part. In today's laid-back atmosphere, take pride in your appearance to boost your self-confidence and inspire others to do the same.
80. Read every day. The best way to keep up with what is going on in the world is to stay current with your reading. Be diverse by reading books, magazines, and online sources.
81. Be empathetic. Understanding what other people are thinking and feeling is valuable in forging deeper connections.
82. Be interested in people. Encourage people to talk about themselves. Show genuine interest in their lives outside of work.
83. Manage time wisely. The better you can manage your time, the more time you have to get things done and enjoy your life.
84. Accept your flaws. Even if you're striving to be a perfect leader, learning to work with your flaws gives you a chance to be human.
85. Breathe through stress. When stress is off the charts, don't forget to breathe. It will help settle you and clear your mind.
86. Be fearless. As a leader you have to know how to take risks. Don't be afraid to take chances.
87. Embrace mindfulness. Staying in the moment helps you concentrate, focus, and do everything better--even unwind, when the time comes.
88. Be inspiring. Leading others to do great things is part of setting goals, expanding your company, and running a successful operation. It's at the heart of inspiration.
89. Work out. Leave time each day to exercise your mind, body, and soul.
90. Show gratitude. One sure way how to improve any difficulty or complication is to pause to be grateful for what is going right.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Saturday, July 15, 2017
The Genius Problem-Solving Method Elon Musk Learned From Aristotle
How do some entrepreneurs manage to come up with solutions for the toughest problems? They borrow this method from an ancient philosopher.

PHOTO CREDIT: Getty Images
"All great Acts of Genius began with the same consideration: Do not be constrained by your present reality." Leonardo Da Vinci
How do some entrepreneurs manage to come up with solutions for the toughest problems? They borrow this method from an ancient philosopher.
PHOTO CREDIT: Getty Images
"All great Acts of Genius began with the same consideration: Do not be constrained by your present reality." Leonardo Da Vinci
Obviously, I have never met Aristotle or Da Vinci; for that matter, I have not yet had the pleasure of speaking with Elon Musk. Still, let's imagine that I can understand how they think, and that you can as well - and by embracing First Principle thinking, you can empower yourself to become a true visionary in life, at work, and for your community.
A First Principle is a basic, essential, foundational truth that is "known by nature." It is not an assumption or deduction based on another theory or supposition. A key element of First Principle thinking is that just because something is "known by nature" or true in the Universe does not mean it has ever been articulated and described by humans. E=MC has always existed as a possibility, but it was not known or proven until Einstein's feat of mathematical observation and first principle science. E=MC now becomes a foundational assumption in our known world. However, a future physicist solving for a different problem may choose to ignore this principle and discover something that is true to the universe that once "discovered" and articulated by the physicist could render E=MC as obsolete. Einstein himself understood this better than anyone because in order for him to have ideated E=MC, he too would have needed to overlook basic principles considered as Truth (with a capital T) in his time.
First articulated and named by Aristotle, the First Principle has endured all these millennia as the basis for (Western) philosophical contemplation. Physicists, scientists, and artists also engage the First Principle in order to dive into the unknown and surface with ideas totally new. A number of years ago, Elon Musk cited the ancient concept in an interview with Kevin Rose, thereby adding the term to our shared entrepreneurial vocabulary, but most visionaries--whether in business, science, arts, or philosophy--would in fact tell you that First Principle thinking is essential to their process and work, even if the phrase itself is unfamiliar.
So what precisely does First Principle thinking mean for invention and innovation? Elon Musk uses the battery pack as a perfect example: "Someone could--and people do--say battery packs are really expensive and that's just the way they will always be because that's the way they have been in the past. They would say, 'It's going to cost $600 per kilowatt-hour. It's not going to be much better than that in the future," Musk said in his interview with Rose. But in First Principle thinking, you forget what has been, you erase what is assumed, and ask questions based on your desire for what is possible. In Musk's words: "What are the material constituents of the batteries? What is the spot market value of the material constituents? It has carbon, nickel, aluminum, and some polymers for separation, and a steel can. Break that down on a materials basis, if we bought that on a London Metal Exchange, what would each of these things cost?" Musk's findings were that he could get those materials for $80 per kilowatt-hour, combine them into a battery cell shape of his choosing, and model modern innovation within the energy industry.
When my partners and I began our first technology company, we continually needed to lean into First Principle perspectives or we would never have succeeded. We ended up selling that company to Amazon in 2008. Today, in my work as a CEO, executive coach and business consultant, I help leaders embrace First Principle thinking for corporate innovation, interpersonal problem-solving, and senior-level negotiations. It may seem that practicing First Principle thinking requires more mental energy and intellectual rigor, when in fact, it simply requires a different type of thinking and intellectual rigor. By definition, true innovation can only occur if we start with the First Principle. When we want to make the leap from what is to what is possible, we can't get to what doesn't exist by creating an iteration of what already exists.
Here is my four-part process for First Principle Thinking:
1. Identify the problem you want to solve
It might be "My product is too expensive" or "Our CEO and CFO have different visions for the future of the company."
2. Make a list of all of the reasons you think you can't solve this problem
Your reasons might include "My parts cost is too high" or "The CFO doesn't want to spend more money on innovation."
3. Make a list of any and all obvious solutions that you think would solve the problem, but that don't solve the problem adequately.
Hint: Here's where "Compromise" often rears its head.
A solution for an over-expensive product might typically be moving manufacturing overseas--but then quality control and shipping costs can increase. A CEO and CFO might agree to cut one department to give more resources to a high-performing team, but layoffs might decrease office morale and severance packages reduce the financial benefit in the short-term.
4. Ask yourself: "If the problem didn't exist and I could create a solution that was based on a desire, what would that solution be?"
If your core desire is to develop an inexpensive product that is effective, then you might design a new product made with more sustainable and inexpensive materials, or with a completely unique engine or operating system.
The CEO might re-envision the way his company tackles innovation and product development, perhaps by bringing in other departments that don't normally get to participate in this work, and creating incentives for original thinking from anyone in the company. The CEO of Frito-Lay had an open door policy for good ideas from any employee and one of his janitors, Richard Montaez, invented Flamin' Hot Cheetos in his free time after work. It was a game-changing success for the company and Montaez is now an executive vice president at PepsiCo (Frito-Lay's parent company).
What else is possible with First Principle thinking? If you apply this concept to all conversations, then you are more open to other people's perspectives and can bring value to discussions that you may not have previously identified. I believe that flying cars are coming sooner than we think, because who says a car is a vehicle that only drives with wheels rather than hovering or being propelled? I believe time travel will not be something of just science fiction stories (not in my lifetime but in years to come) because we will realize that the linear relationship we put on time is not truly what is known by the universe. Some physicists have already postulated the concept of concurrent dimensions.
First Principle thinking requires you to expand your perspectives beyond your own personal assumptions and beyond your own personal truths. The method requires not only utilizing the data you normally associate with your mind, but tap into the data you may discover through your intuition. How you then choose to marry the two is what differentiates the visionary leader from the average entrepreneur. After all, if my belief of time travel comes to pass, I may ultimately have a chance to discuss these concepts directly with those who first conveyed them, or maybe I already have.
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