Saturday, June 27, 2015

Bagaimana Membuat Brand Activation yang Sukses?

Menurut Lauren Durant, Director Isilumko Activate – perusahaan marketing, branding, desain, dan konsep kreatif – brand activation dapat menjadi solusi agar brand memiliki diferensiasi dari kompetitornya di tengah pasar yang semakin sesak.

Strategi untuk membuat brand activation yang sukses

Selain sebagai wadah untuk menciptakan komunikasi dua arah antara brand dan konsumen, brand activation juga berfungsi untuk membangun ketertarikan konsumen, misalnya saja lewat product experience dengan cara memberikan kesempatan bagi konsumen untuk mencoba produk atau jasa secara personal. Experience biasanya diciptakan melalui edukasi sehingga konsumen mau mengapresiasi brand. Dalam meenciptakan experience itu, brand tentunya juga harus mampu membangun hubungan emotional dengan mereka. Semakin kuat hubungan emosional, maka interaksi pun akan lebih berkualitas, misalnya saja konsumen akan lebih sering lagi membeli produk.

Berbeda dengan kesuksesan traditional marketing yang dapat diukur dari jumlah impresi target audiens, brand activation dapat dikatakan sukses jika mampu menciptakan engagement dengan konsumen, engagement yang membuat konsumen merasakan value brand, ketimbang hanya menjadi target brand.
Mungkin hanya 1.000 orang yang merasakan sendiri peluncuran produk baru misalnya di sebuah pusat perbelanjaan. Namun jika event di-share di sosial media, misalnya saja Instagram atau YouTube, dampaknya bisa menjadi lebih besar. Manusia adalah makhluk sosial dan memiliki kebutuhan untuk berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi. Walaupun event yang digelar suatu brand adalah event sederhana, brand activation adalah pilihan untuk membuat dampak yang lebih luas.
Kualitas dampak yang dihasilkan oleh suatu brand lebih penting daripada reach suatu pesan. Memaksimalkan reach akan tidak berarti jika isi pesan tidak didengar dan didalami oleh target audiens. Jika audiens menganggap message sebagai gangguan, kemungkinan besar mereka akan mengabaikannya.
Brand activation memang mampu memberikan hasil yang bagus, tetapi perlu diingat bahwa kampanye harus relevan dengan strategi brand. Untuk menghasilkan aktivasi merek yang sukses, dibutuhkan perpaduan dari berbagai elemen. Jika kampanye tidak menarik, produk atau jasa bukan yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat, kampanye tidak dipromosikan dan lain sebagainya, maka bisa langsung dikatakan bahwa aktivasi tidak akan mencapai tujuan.
Dikatakan Lauren Durant, beberapa elemen strategis yang wajib diingat brand dalam membuat suatu brand activation, yaitu: target komunikasi, tentukan sebelumnya berapa banyak engagement/komunikasi dengan audiens yang harus diciptakan; distribusi materi/hadiah, tentukan berapa banyak produk yang akan dikeluarkan selama kampanye; target penjualan; aktivitas call-to-action; target konversi; dan seberapa besar aktivasi ini mempengaruhi persepsi atau behaviour konsumen.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

14 Ways Positive People Separate Themselves From Negative Energy

Negative energy can be found almost everywhere. There are people complaining about life constantly, practicing bad habits and bringing you down. The emotions they spread influence your thoughts and actions in a bad way so avoiding the sources of negative energy is obligatory if you want to be more successful.
Everyone can be easily affected by negative emotions and the only exceptions are people who learned how to deal with it. These 14 Ways will show you how positive people handle negativity so you can apply it to your life.

1. They create happiness from within.

Happy people don’t base their happiness on external stimulations. They realize once the stimulant is gone, their mood would be ruined. Instead, they look for internal sources of positive energy and practice mindfulness.

2. They practice positive thinking.

Thoughts influence your actions, so, if you think negatively, there’s no bright future ahead of you. Positive people don’t believe in the excuses their minds come up with. Through positive affirmations and finding the good side of any problem, they make sure they are mentally set up for success.

3. They look for reasons to believe in themselves.

“Never let the negativity get to you. There are gonna be a lot of people you have to plow through, but as long you believe in yourself, that’s all that matters.” – Becky G.
There are endless reasons to believe in yourself even if you feel completely helpless and worthless. These negative thoughts are temporary obstacles and most of the time, they are made-up.

4. They cut off negative people.

Your surroundings have a tremendous impact on yourself. If you spend time with positive people, you are more likely to be happy and content. On the other hand, if you are too close to naysayers and complainers, you will have a hard time removing the negativity from your life.

5. They train regularly.

Physical training is associated with releasing endorphins which are responsible for “feeling good.” Treating your body the right way pays off and results in reduced stress and boosted happiness. On the other hand, if you ignore your body’s needs, it will let you experience the negative consequences soon enough.

6. They spend time in the nature.

Being in the nature clears your mind and relaxes your body. Positive people dedicate a part of their day to get outside and admire the beauty of our planet. It’s a great way to load your batteries!

7. They avoid impulsive spending.

Nowadays, extra deals and sales fight for your attention, so it’s easy to end up lost in the buying mode. Whereas excessive buying may make you feel better instantly, from a long-term perspective, it’s an unhealthy habit positive people avoid at all costs. They would rather invest in experiences to discover the world and create some great memories.

8. They accept failure.

Positive people embrace failure as they realize it’s the only way to learn and grow. Whenever they collapse, they work hard to get at the top again instead of giving up. Even though a failure brings negative emotions, they comprehend these are brief and will fade away quickly. To accelerate the process, they keep thinking positively.

9. They take full responsibility.

Positive people always give themselves the responsibility for what happens in their lives. Whether it’s a success or failure, it’s always an effect of their actions and thoughts. A positive person will never blame external factors and focus on things within the reach that could be improved.
By doing that, they pursue being better and experience constant progress instead of getting frustrated by things out of their control.

10. They learn to control their thoughts.

A mind can be easily brought out of control by sudden negative thoughts. Positive individuals know if they don’t control their thoughts, they will lose control over their actions and behaviors. For this reason, they practice mind control, for example through meditation.

11. They devote some time to relax.

Instead of trying to be perfect, positive people realize sometimes you need to slow down, make your goals and ambitions secondary and simply loosen up. By doing this, they avoid burning out which would cause unnecessary negative energy.
In a nutshell, they take a step back to move further the next day.

12. They believe there’s always a solution.

Sometimes, life hits you hopelessly hard. At these moments, you tend to doubt your abilities to solve the current problem. The fact is, there’s always a way to overcome an obstacle and positive people keep that in mind. Even if they reach rock bottom, they believe it happens so they can get to the top even stronger.

13. They know when to say no.

The value of saying ‘no’ and ‘yes’ at the right moment is priceless. Opposed to misconceptions, these two words have an immense power and how you use them dictates what happens in your life.
Positive people focus on their priorities instead pleasing others. That’s why they know there are many things you don’t need to say yes to.

14. They don’t look for anyone’s approval.

If you let others’ opinions paralyze you, you will have a hard time feeling good and happy. Many people are afraid of not getting validation and being criticized. Positive individuals think and act quite the opposite.
They use disapproval as an indicator of being authentic and true. The fact is, there are countless things you don’t need anyone’s approval for though you think you do.

Featured photo credit: web4camguy via

Saturday, June 13, 2015

3 ways Steve Jobs made meetings productive

By Drake Baer

File photo of Apple CEO Steve Jobs during his unveiling of the iPhone 4, at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco

Steve Jobs made sure that Apple wasn’t one of those companies.
Here are three ways the iconic CEO made meetings super productive.
1. He kept meetings as small as possible.
In his book “Insanely Simple,” longtime Jobs collaborator Ken Segall detailed what it was like to work with him.
In one story, Jobs was about to start a weekly meeting with Apple’s ad agency.
Then Jobs spotted someone new.
“He stopped cold,” Segall writes. “His eyes locked on to the one thing in the room that didn’t look right. Pointing to Lorrie, he said, ‘Who are you?'”
Calmly, she explained that she was asked to the meeting because she was a part of related marketing projects.
Jobs heard her, and then politely told her to get out.
“I don’t think we need you in this meeting, Lorrie. Thanks,” he said.
He was similarly ruthless with himself. When Barack Obama asked him to join a small gathering of tech moguls, Jobs declined — the President invited too many people for his taste.
2. He made sure someone was responsible for each item on the agenda. 
In a 2011 feature investigating Apple’s culture, Fortune reporter Adam Lashinsky detailed a few of the formal processes that Jobs used, which led Apple to become the world’s most valuable company.
At the core of Job’s mentality was the “accountability mindset” — meaning that processes were put in place so that everybody knew who was responsible for what.
As Lachinsky described:
Internal Applespeak even has a name for it, the “DRI,” or directly responsible individual. Often the DRI’s name will appear on an agenda for a meeting, so everybody knows who is responsible. “Any effective meeting at Apple will have an action list,” says a former employee. “Next to each action item will be the DRI.” A common phrase heard around Apple when someone is trying to learn the right contact on a project: “Who’s the DRI on that?”
They’re hugely helpful in a startup situation.
“In a fast-growing company with tons of activity, important things get left on the table not because people are irresponsible but just because they’re really busy,” she wrote on Quora. “When you feel like something is your baby, then you really, really care about how it’s doing.”
3. He wouldn’t let people hide behind PowerPoint.
Walter Isaacson, author of the “Steve Jobs” biography, said, “Jobs hated formal presentations, but he loved freewheeling face-to-face meetings.”
Every Wednesday afternoon, he had an agenda-less meeting with his marketing and advertising team.
Slideshows were banned because Jobs wanted his team to debate passionately and think critically, all without leaning on technology.
“I hate the way people use slide presentations instead of thinking,” Jobs told Isaacson. “People would confront a problem by creating a presentation. I wanted them to engage, to hash things out at the table, rather than show a bunch of slides. People who know what they’re talking about don’t need PowerPoint.”
This article is published in collaboration with Business Insider UK. Publication does not imply endorsement of views by the World Economic Forum.
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Author: Drake Baer reports on strategy, leadership, and organizational psychology at Business Insider.
Image: Apple CEO Steve Jobs gestures during his unveiling of the iPhone 4 at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco, California, in this June 7, 2010 file photo. REUTERS/Robert Galbraith.

Friday, June 12, 2015

HEALTH FACILITIES -- Employees value company health facilities

Employees value company health facilities

JAKARTA. While other office workers are trapped in traffic after working hours, Antonius Pandu, a 31-year-old assistant of a brand manager in consumer goods giant PT Unilever Indonesia, opts to enjoy a salsa dance in his office.
“I have been practicing salsa for four years,” he said while moving his hips and feet, following the rhythm of the Latin music.
Antonius said he was thrilled when he found out that his current employer provided free salsa dance classes in his office building, saying that he could finally continue a hobby he started in college.
“Practicing salsa not only refreshes my body, but also my mind,” he said.
Antonius said that besides practicing salsa, he also goes to a gym once a week. “It becomes easy to exercise as all the facilities are provided just above my office and they are for free,” he said.
Besides a gymnasium that offers various classes, like in salsa, zumba and body pump, Unilever also has various other health facilities, including sports massages, funds for sports, hobby or art clubs, vaccines for the employees and family members and a nursing room.
Human resource departments in some companies believe that providing health facilities and creating policies that encourage healthy lifestyles will not only benefit the office workers who are prone to stress and illness, but also the companies.
Desmarita Murni, communications director at the online petition site,, said her company decided two months ago to cater healthy foods that offered less salt and oil for the employees, as it realized that bad eating habits made them prone to sickness.
“We realized that we often eat late when we are busy and we usually ordered unhealthy food like gorengan [fried snacks],” she said.
Desmarita said also gives five weeks of annual leave to make sure that the employees get enough rest and vacation.
Unilever corporate communication head Maria Dewantini Dwianto said her company management considers human resources as an important asset.
“Convalescing people need more time and money, so it is better to prevent the disease,” she said.
Some other companies have unique ways to pay attention to employees who are attached to their computers. (Corry Elyda)
Editor: Barratut Taqiyyah